Current and former lab group members in bold.
2024 | Dahshan, M., Polys, N., House, L., North, C., Pollyea, R.M., Turton, T.L., & Rogers, D.R. 2024. Human-machine partnerships at the exascale: exploring simulation ensembles through image databases. Journal of Visualization, 17 May. doi:10.1007/s12650-024-00999-7.
2024 | Dahshan, M., Polys, N.F., House, L., Youssef, Y., & Pollyea, R.M. Human-Machine Collaboration for the Visual Exploration and Analysis of High-Dimensional Spatial Simulation Ensembles. In Proceedings, 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISI- GRAPP 2024). Rome, Italy, February. doi:10.5220/0012405100003660.
2023 | Koehn, L.W., Romans, B.W., & Pollyea, R.M. Assessing reservoir performance for geologic carbon sequestration in offshore saline reservoirs. Energy Advances, doi:10.1039/dy3a00317e. Available online 3 Nov.
2023 | Koehn, L.W., Prince, P.S., Godbey, W., Verne, M., Fowler, N., McCrady, P., & Pollyea, R.M. First-order CO2 trapping characteristics of fold-and-thrust belts: Assessing the carbon storage potential in the Appalachian Basin and beyond. The Leading Edge, Vol. 42, No. 11, p. 755-762. doi:10.1190/tle42110755.1.
2023 | Christianson, R.B., Pollyea, R.M., & Grammacy, R.B. Traditional kriging verses modern Gaussian processes for large-scale mining data. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, Vol. 16, p. 488-506. doi:10.1002/sam.11635.
2022 | Pollyea, R.M., Chapman, M.C., Chambers, C.R., Conley, E.W., Holt, M., Holloway, D., & Heisig-Mitchell, J. Introducing the Hampton Roads Seismic Network: Minimizing the Risk of Injection-Induced Seismicity in Virginia. In Proceedings, OCEANS Conference and Exposition, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society and Marine Technology Society. doi:10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977100
2022 | Conley, E.W., Chambers, C.R., Heisig-Mitchell, J., Holloway, D., & Pollyea, R.M. Utilizing Numerical Simulation to Understand the Implications of Injection-Induced Seismicity for Managed Aquifer Recharge in Coastal Virginia. In Proceedings, OCEANS Conference and Exposition, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society and Marine Technology Society. 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977380
2022 | Koehn, L.K., Romans, B., & Pollyea, R.M. Developing a representative model for offshore CO2 storage in the Gulf of Mexico. In Proceedings, Second International Meeting for Applied Geosciences & Energy (IMAGE’22). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Exploration Geologists, Houston, TX, p. 547–551, 28 Aug - 1 Sept. doi:10.1190/image2022-3749099.1.
2021 | Wu, H., Jayne, R.S., Bodnar, R.J., and Pollyea, R.M. Simulation of CO2 mineral trapping and permeability alteration in fractured basalt: Implications for geologic carbon sequestration in mafic reservoirs, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 109, Article 103383. doi:10.1016/j.ijg-gc.2021.103383.
2021 | Wu, H., Lubbers, N., Viswanathan, H.S., and Pollyea, R.M. A multi-dimensional parametric study of variability in multi-phase flow dynamics during geologic CO2 sequestration accelerated with machine learning, Applied Energy, Vol. 287, Article 116580. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116580.
2020 | Pollyea, R.M., Konzen, G.L. Chambers, C.R., Pritchard, J.A., Wu, H., & Jayne, R.S. A new perspective on the hydraulics of oilfield wastewater disposal: How PTX conditions affect fluid pressure transients that cause earthquakes, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol. 13, p. 3014 - 3031. doi:10.1039/D0EE01864C
2020 | Dahshan, M., Polys, N.F., Jayne, R.S. and Pollyea, R.M. Making sense of scientific simulation ensembles with semantic interaction, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 39, No. 6, p. 325 - 343. doi:10.1111/cgf.14029
2020 | Pollyea, R.M. Explaining long-range fluid pressure transients caused by oilfield wastewater disposal using the hydrogeologic principle of superposition, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 28, p. 795 - 803. doi:10.1007/s10040-019-02067-z. (Electronic Supplementary Information, ESM Movie S1 & EarthArXiv preprint)
2019 | Laubach, S., Lander, R.H., Criscenti, L., Anovitz, L., Urai, J., Pollyea, R.M., Hooker, J., Narr, W., Evans, M., Kerisit, S., Olson, J., Dewers, T., Fisher, D., Bodnar, R.J., Evans, B., Dove, P., Bonnel, L., Marder, M., and Pyrak-Nolte, L. The role of chemistry in fracture pattern development and opportunities to advance interpretations of geologic materials, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. 1065 - 1111. doi:10.1029/2019RG000671.
2019 | Jayne, R.S., Wu, H. and Pollyea, R.M. A probabilistic assessment of geomechanical reservoir integrity during CO2 sequestration in flood basalt formations. Greenhouse Gases: Science & Technology, Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 979 - 998. doi:10.1002/ghg.1914.
2019 | Pollyea, R.M., Chapman, M.C., Jayne, R.S., and Wu, H. High density wastewater disposal causes deeper, stronger, and more persistent earthquakes. Nature Communications, Vol. 10, July. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11029-8. (Supplemental Information)
Press release by VT News 16 Jul 2019
Coverage by National Geographic (17 Jul 2019), Scientific American (9 Sept 2019), and others.
2019 | Jayne, R.S., Zhang, Y., and Pollyea, R.M. Using heat as a predictor of CO2 breakthrough in highly heterogeneous reservoirs. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 46, June. doi:10.1029/2019GL083362.​
2019 | Jayne, R.S., Wu, H., and Pollyea, R.M. Geologic CO2 sequestration and permeability uncertainty in a highly heterogeneous reservoir. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 83, p. 128 - 139. April.
Featured on Science Trends.
2019 | White, M., Johnson, T., Kneafsey, T., Blankenship, D., Fu, P., Wu, H., Ghassemi, A., Lu, J., Huang, H., Neupane, G., Oldenburg, C., Doughty, C., Johnston, B., Winterfeld, P., Pollyea, R.M., Jayne, R.S., Hawkins, A., Zhang, Y., and the EGS Collab Team. The Necessity for Iteration in the Application of Numerical Simulation to EGS: Examples from the EGS Collab Test Bed 1. In Proceedings, 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California, February 11–13.
2018 | Wu, H., Jayne, R.S., and Pollyea, R.M. A parametric analysis of capillary pressure effects during geologic carbon sequestration in a sandstone reservoir. Greenhouse Gases: Science & Technology, Vol. 8, No. 6, p. 1039-1052, December.
2018 | Pollyea, R.M., Jayne, R.S., and Wu, H. The effects of fluid density variations during oilfield wastewater disposal. In Proceedings, TOUGH Symposium 2018, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, October 8 - 10.
2018 | Jayne, R.S., Wu, H., and Pollyea, R.M. Geologic CO2 sequestration in a basalt reservoir: Constraining permeability uncertainty within the Columbia River Basalt Group. In Proceedings, TOUGH Symposium 2018, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, October 8 - 10.
2018 | Jayne, R.S. and Pollyea, R.M. Permeability correlation structure of the Columbia River Plateau and implications for fluid system architecture in continental large igneous provinces. Geology, Vol. 46, No. 8, p. 715-718, July.
2018 | Canova, D.P., Fischer, M.P., Jayne, R.S., and Pollyea, R.M. Advective heat transport and the salt chimney effect: A numerical analysis. Geofluids, Vol. 2018, July.
2018 | Pollyea, R.M., Mohammadi, N., Taylor, J.E., and Chapman, M.C. Geospatial analysis of Oklahoma (USA) earthquakes (2011 - 2016): Quantifying the limits of regional-scale earthquake mitigation measures. Geology, Vol. 46, No. 3, p. 215-218, March. (Supplemental Information)
Press releases by Geological Society of America (4 Jan 2018) and VT News (10 Jan 2018).
Media coverage here.
2018 | Hanke, J.R., Fischer, M.P., and Pollyea, R.M. Directional semivariogram analysis to identify and rank controls on the spatial variability of fracture networks. Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 108, p. 34-52, March.
2017 | Gierzynski, A.O. and Pollyea, R.M. Three-phase CO2 flow in a basalt fracture network. Water Resources Research. Vol. 53, No. 11, p. 8980-8998, November.
2017 | Jung, Y., Pau, G.S.H., Finsterle, S., and Pollyea, R.M. TOUGH3: A new efficient version of the TOUGH suite of multiphase flow and transport simulators. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 108, p. 2–7, November. Published online 23 September 2016.
2017 | Pollyea, R.M. and Rimstidt, J.D. Rate equations for modeling carbon dioxide sequestration in basalt. Applied Geochemistry, vol. 81, p. 53-62, June.
2017 | Mohammadi, N., Taylor, J.E., and Pollyea, R.M. Spatiotemporal dynamics of public response to human-induced seismic perturbations. In Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response an Management (ISCRAM), Eds. Comes, T., Bénaben, F., Hanacho, C., and Lauras, M. Albi, France. p. 666–672, May 21–24.
2016 | Jayne, R.S., Pollyea, R.M., Dodd, J.P., Olson, E.J., and Swanson, S.K. Spatial and temporal constraints on regional-scale groundwater flow in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile. Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 24, No. 8, p. 1921–1937, December.
2016 | Pollyea, R.M. Influence of relative permeability on injection pressure and plume configuration during CO2 injections in a mafic reservoir. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 46, p. 7–17, March.
2015 | Pollyea, R.M., Van Dusen, E.W., and Fischer, M.P. Topographically driven fluid flow within orogenic wedges: Effects of taper angle and depth-dependent permeability. Geosphere, Vol. 11, No. 5, p. 1427–1437, October.
2014 | Pollyea, R.M., Fairley, J.P., Podgorney, R.K. and McLing, T.L. Physical constraints on geologic CO2 sequestration in low volume basalt formations. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 126, No. 3/4, p. 344–351, March/April.
2013 | Pollyea, R.M., Fairley, J.P., Podgorney, R.K. and McLing, T.L. A field sampling strategy for semivariogram inference of fractures in rock outcrops. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 27, No. 7, p. 1735–1740, October.
2012 | Pollyea, R.M. and Fairley, J.P. Implications of spatial reservoir uncertainty for CO2 sequestration in the east Snake River Plain, Idaho (USA). Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, p. 689–699, April.
2012 | Pollyea, R.M. and Fairley, J.P. Experimental evaluation of terrestrial LiDAR- based surface roughness estimates. Geosphere, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 1–7, February.
2011 | Pollyea, R.M. and Fairley, J.P. Estimating surface roughness of terrestrial laser scan data using orthogonal distance regression. Geology, Vol. 39, No. 7, p. 623–626, July.